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Preventing Flaky Tests and Brittle Tests

Flaky tests and brittle tests are two common pitfalls that make our tests unreliable and hard to maintain. In this post, I will illustrate these concepts wit...

Provision an Amazon EKS cluster with AWS CDK

Previously, I posted a tutorial on creating and configuring an Amazon VPC by using AWS CDK. All the examples in that post are based on L1 constructs to illus...

Property Based Testing with Hypothesis

What is Property Based Testing? Property based testing, which is known to be originated by QuickCheck, is a testing technique which randomly generates test c...

Configuring GitOps with Argo CD

In this post, I am going to share my experience of configuring GitOps for a continuous deployment process. (FYI, you may refer to the following content for c...


A CPU scheduler is an operating system module that decides which process in the ready queue is allocated a CPU. It checks all of the tasks in the ready queue...